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LOC Group’s CEO elected Fellow of Royal Academy of Engineering

Posted on: 22 September 2020

LOC Group is pleased to announce that Dr R. V. Ahilan, Group Chief Executive, has been elected a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering.

Dr Ahilan is one of 53 new Fellows elected today, in recognition of their outstanding and continuing contributions to the profession. Ahilan will join a Fellowship of approximately 1,600 eminent engineers from both industry and academia. The new Fellows join an Academy whose mission is to use the power of engineering to build a sustainable society and create an inclusive economy that works for everyone.

Sir Jim McDonald FREng FRSE, President of the Royal Academy of Engineering, said: “As the UK’s National Academy for engineering and technology, we bring together an unrivalled community of leading business people and industrialists, entrepreneurs, innovators and academics from every part of engineering and technology. The new Fellows who join us today are among the most talented and successful engineers working in the field today, leaders in areas from transport and our essential data infrastructure to lifesaving developments in medical research. We look forward to working with them and benefiting from their ideas and insight as we strive to inform public debate and provide workable solutions to our shared national and global challenges.”

Dr R V Ahilan commented: “It is a great privilege to be elected a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering. I am very humbled and grateful to the Academy. I have been extremely fortunate throughout my career to be part of great teams which addressed problems at the frontiers of engineering, and that is very much the case with my colleagues at LOC, where I spend my days with extremely talented engineers and mariners, providing innovative and sustainable solutions to our international clients across sectors including renewables, oil & gas and shipping.”

A technology and business leader with over three decades of experience, Dr Ahilan has led projects which set international standards for jack-ups, marine transportation and moorings. He steers the DigiTwin Project, advises the ORE SuperGen and is a Trustee of the charity, Marine Technology Trust. He is also on the Advisory Board of the Leeds Institute for Fluid Dynamics, is the Chair of Innosea and is on the Advisory Board of WavEC.

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