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Maritime News: COVID-19 news

Latest maritime-related news from the UK and beyond

Bringing you a selected round-up of significant news, opinion and events involving Maritime London members and the UK shipping cluster generally, with special emphasis on the economic impact of the maritime services’ sector and its contribution to the wider national economy.

Pandemic masks true picture of sulphur 2020 compliance

Pandemic masks true picture of sulphur 2020 compliance

It will be difficult to ascertain a full picture of how well the international shipping industry is complying  with the new sulphur 2020 environmental...Read More

COVID-19 and EU state aid temporary framework

COVID-19 and EU state aid temporary framework

International law firm HFW, has issued an update describing the exceptional measures taken by the European Commission to assist sectors which are severely...Read More

COVID-19: Managing Maritime Cash Flow

COVID-19: Managing Maritime Cash Flow

Thank you to those who joined our COVID-19: Managing Maritime Cash Flow webinar on Wednesday, 8 April.  This webinar was aimed at SMEs and was organised...Read More

UK P&I Club successfully hosts first in series of live training webinars

UK P&I Club successfully hosts first in series of live training webinars

The UK P&I Club successfully conducted its first training webinar for Members and the wider maritime industry on 2nd April from its Singapore office,...Read More

North P&I Club supports new digital COVID-19 tool from International Group

North P&I Club supports new digital COVID-19 tool from International Group

A new COVID-19 Tracking Tool developed by global marine insurer North has been made available as a shared resource to the International Group of P&I...Read More

Sanctions continue to be ongoing risk for shipping

Sanctions continue to be ongoing risk for shipping

In March 2020, the US State and Treasury Departments announced sanctions against various Chinese companies for trading in Iranian petrochemicals. Among...Read More

Shipowners P&I launch Coronavirus FAQ webpage

Shipowners P&I launch Coronavirus FAQ webpage

The Shipowners P&I Club has produced new guidance Coronavirus (COVID-19) – FAQs on Club cover, which addresses some of the most frequently asked...Read More

UK Club provides Members with FAQs on Impact of Coronavirus

UK Club provides Members with FAQs on Impact of Coronavirus

The Coronavirus pandemic has understandably generated a significant number of enquiries and questions from Members in recent weeks. In response to these...Read More

US Port Access, P&I Assistance and Crisis Communications webinar

US Port Access, P&I Assistance and Crisis Communications webinar

Part of Maritime London COVID-19 webinar series

Maritime London in partnership with Navigate PR hosted the second in the series of COVID-19 webinars...Read More

Suspension of wrongful trading in light of COVID-19

Suspension of wrongful trading in light of COVID-19

Directors’ Personal Liability for Wrongful Trading – Relief during the Coronavirus Crisis

International law firm Watson Farley Williams LLP (WFW) has issued a briefing, in which Partners Dev...Read More

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Maritime London – the promotional body for UK based companies providing professional services to the international shipping industry

Funded by over 100 companies and organisations from a wide range of disciplines, Maritime London ensures that the UK remains a world beating location to base a maritime related business. Maritime London’s mission is to promote the UK as the world’s premier maritime business centre.

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The UK is home to a world beating array of professional maritime service providers. Maritime sectors include:

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