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Maritime News: COVID-19 news

Latest maritime-related news from the UK and beyond

Bringing you a selected round-up of significant news, opinion and events involving Maritime London members and the UK shipping cluster generally, with special emphasis on the economic impact of the maritime services’ sector and its contribution to the wider national economy.

Windward to offer open access to shipping insights to help fight coronavirus

Windward to offer open access to shipping insights to help fight coronavirus

Joining the global fight against COVID-19, Windward, a leading maritime analytics company, will provide open access to its data and insights, offering...Read More

COVID-19 and UK Maritime Professional Business Services

COVID-19 and UK Maritime Professional Business Services

Maritime London has issued the following statement to Members on the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the maritime professional services sector.The...Read More

COVID-19 and UK seafarers

RMT and Maritime London members Nautilus International and the UK Chamber of Shipping have issued a joint statement on March 23 2020.As organisations representing...Read More

COVID-19 and Business Interruption issues

COVID-19 and Business Interruption issues

International law firm HFW has issued a briefing focusing on Business Interruption issues with regards to COVID-19.As COVID-19’s grip across the globe...Read More

Coronavirus and shipping – what to expect

Coronavirus and shipping – what to expect

International law firm Penningtons Manches Cooper (PMC) has issued a communique with regards to COVID-19 and its effects on business.PMC says that “although...Read More

Shipowners’ Club advice Members on Coronavirus and operational and regulatory challenges

Shipowners’ Club advice Members on Coronavirus and operational and regulatory challenges

The Shipowners’ Club has issued new advice to Members in view of the ongoing Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation, saying that owners and managers are...Read More

Implementation of COVID-19 financial shield by German Government

Implementation of COVID-19 financial shield by German Government

International law firm Watson Farley Willaims LLP (WFW) in its recent briefing discusses the recent announcement by the German Federal Government to support...Read More

Coronavirus charterparty briefing by Kennedys

Coronavirus charterparty briefing by Kennedys

International law firm Kennedys issued a briefing regarding the current coronavirus disease outbreak (known as COVID–19), which continues to dominate...Read More

COVID-19 and force majeure under shipbuilding contracts

COVID-19 and force majeure under shipbuilding contracts

As the effects of global restrictions to prevent further spread of the Covid-19 coronavirus outbreak begin to impact the shipping industry, international...Read More

Recent disruptions in global supply chain by COVID-19

Recent disruptions in global supply chain by COVID-19

In the jointly issued briefing international law firm Stephenson Harwood and Wang Jing & Co point out that in order to control the fast spread of the...Read More

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What is Maritime London?

Maritime London – the promotional body for UK based companies providing professional services to the international shipping industry

Funded by over 100 companies and organisations from a wide range of disciplines, Maritime London ensures that the UK remains a world beating location to base a maritime related business. Maritime London’s mission is to promote the UK as the world’s premier maritime business centre.

Our core Maritime Services

The UK is home to a world beating array of professional maritime service providers. Maritime sectors include:

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