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Maritime News: Maritime London news

Latest maritime-related news from the UK and beyond

Bringing you a selected round-up of significant news, opinion and events involving Maritime London members and the UK shipping cluster generally, with special emphasis on the economic impact of the maritime services’ sector and its contribution to the wider national economy.

Maritime London welcomes four new members

Maritime London welcomes four new members

Maritime London is delighted to welcome four new members

4 Pump Court is a barristers’ chambers with expertise in commercial litigation and international arbitration....Read More

LMAA Arbitration: Hybrid Mock Arbitration Hearing

LMAA Arbitration: Hybrid Mock Arbitration Hearing

LISW21 retrospective

On 16 September, the London Maritime Arbitrators Association (LMAA) in partnership with Maritime London,...Read More

LISW21 Shipping Risk Forum

LISW21 Shipping Risk Forum

LISW21 retrospective

The Shipping Risk Forum, the first international conference coordinated by the London marine insurance...Read More

Reforming English Law to enable electronic bills of lading: The Law Commission’s Electronic Trade Documents project

Reforming English Law to enable electronic bills of lading: The Law Commission’s Electronic Trade Documents project

LISW21 retrospective

Co-organised by Maritime London and the Law Commission as part of the LISW21, the event was hosted by...Read More

LISW21 Sea to City Networking Scheme event

LISW21 Sea to City Networking Scheme event

LISW21 retrospective

The Sea to City Networking Scheme event, co-organised by Maritime London and Nautilus International as...Read More

Northwest Passage Expedition team rows from Newcastle-upon-Tyne to Orkney Distillery

Northwest Passage Expedition team rows from Newcastle-upon-Tyne to Orkney Distillery

A crew from the Northwest Passage Expedition team, proudly supported by Maritime London, has completed rowing from Newcastle-upon-Tyne to Kirkwall as part...Read More

Lloyd’s commits to the future of the Lloyd’s Salvage Arbitration Branch

Lloyd’s commits to the future of the Lloyd’s Salvage Arbitration Branch

Decision supports continued use of the Lloyd’s Open Form salvage contract

In a move that has been strongly endorsed by UK maritime professional services body Maritime London,...Read More

Marine Insurance: Lessons Learnt from Pandemic

Marine Insurance: Lessons Learnt from Pandemic

Maritime London Chief Executive Jos Standerwick has hosted another successful webinar on June 22nd. Organised in partnership with members Concirrus and...Read More

UK Maritime Skills Commission releases Seafarer Cadet Review Report

UK Maritime Skills Commission releases Seafarer Cadet Review Report

Government must overhaul funding for seafarer training and courses must be modernised for UK talent to remain competitive in the global shipping sector,...Read More

How does dispute resolution respond to increasingly complex shipping markets?

How does dispute resolution respond to increasingly complex shipping markets?

“How does dispute resolution respond to increasingly complex shipping markets?” was the subject of discussion at Maritime London’s latest...Read More

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What is Maritime London?

Maritime London – the promotional body for UK based companies providing professional services to the international shipping industry

Funded by over 100 companies and organisations from a wide range of disciplines, Maritime London ensures that the UK remains a world beating location to base a maritime related business. Maritime London’s mission is to promote the UK as the world’s premier maritime business centre.

Our core Maritime Services

The UK is home to a world beating array of professional maritime service providers. Maritime sectors include:

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