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City of London issues new report

Posted on: 22 October 2020

The City of London Corporation has published a new report entitled ‘London Recharged: Our Vision for London in 2025’.

The report’s authors say that COVID-19 crisis has significantly disrupted traditional working patterns and accelerated technological trends, but with the right action, London will emerge from the pandemic crisis stronger than it entered. This report is a call for action by business, government and academia to work together. London’s future success will depend on collaboration, innovation and sustainability.

The report reaffirms London’s existing strengths. It also makes clear recommendations to keep it globally competitive.

The recommendations cover five key themes:

  • Curate innovative ecosystems
  • Enable businesses of all sizes to flourish
  • Open London’s opportunities for all
  • Invest in sustainable infrastructure
  • Inclusive and outward looking city for the UK and the world
  • City of London Corportation has worked with partners Oliver Wyman and Arup, along with more than 40 senior business leaders and policy leaders to develop an ambitious vision for the capital.

As well as looking at the future for London the report’s findings will apply to other major urban centres in the UK.

Contributors include Google, Microsoft, Tech Nation, Freshfields, CMS, Ignition Law, Simmonds Wavelength, LegalUK, The Law Society and Capital Enterprise.

Use this link to download a copy of the report.

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