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LISW21 dates confirmed

Posted on: 29 April 2020

Preparatory work to deliver a London International Shipping Week in 2021 that will be more relevant and internationally-focused than ever before is well underway as London and the UK look to a trading future outside of the EU and an industry free of the economic constraints imposed by this year’s Coronavirus pandemic.

LISW21, which will be held in the week of September 13-17, 2021, has already received the support of over 100 international shipping trade associations together with the UK Government, Royal Navy and the UK domestic shipping and maritime sectors.

It promises to be an occasion of global proportions, with the number of events expected to exceed the 220 held during LISW19, meaning visitor numbers are expected to be higher than the 20,000 who attended last year.

John Hulmes, Chairman of the LISW21 Steering Group, said: “This year’s international shipping events calendar has been adversely affected by the Coronavirus pandemic with many shipping weeks cancelled or postponed. LISW21 will be one of the first major opportunities shipping industry leaders will have to meet and network again in safety.

“That is why the LISW21 Steering Group and Board of Advisors are pulling out all the stops to ensure that LISW21 is more relevant and international that ever before,” he added.

For the first time, LISW will run industry events throughout the five days of the week as opposed to keeping the Thursday free just for the headline LISW Conference and Gala Dinner. This will give Supporting Organisations and Sponsors more freedom of choice when it comes to planning their events,” he added.

Further information about LISW21 can be found on the dedicated event website: or you can follow us on Twitter @LISWOfficial or #LISW21.

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