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The Corporation of Trinity House

The Corporation of Trinity House is a Foundation member of Maritime London

Trinity House is a private corporation and charity incorporated by Royal Charter in 1514 dedicated to preserving life and shipping in our waters. As the UK’s largest-endowed maritime charity it disperses over £4 million every year towards the safety, welfare and training of mariners; this includes providing almshouses for retired mariners and their dependants in Walmer, Kent and sponsoring cadets through the Merchant Navy Scholarship Scheme and the Professional Yachtsman Bursary Scheme. Trinity House also inspects and audits almost 11,000 local aids to navigation, provides Elder Brethren (Trinity Masters) as Nautical Assessors to the Admiralty Court and licenses Deep Sea Pilots.

As the General Lighthouse Authority for England, Wales, the Channel Islands and Gibraltar, it provides over 600 aids to navigation such as lighthouses, lightvessels, buoys and radio navigation systems, helping thousands of mariners annually to navigate their way safely around some of the UK’s busiest waters including the Strait of Dover—the world’s busiest shipping lane. Trinity House also offers for commercial use the ‘reserve capacity’ of its assets—such as vessel time outside of the planned operations schedule or the vacant lighthouse cottages—to customers looking for products and services that bear Trinity House’s skills, experience and reputation.

Tel:+44 (0)2074 816 900
Fax:+44 (0)2074 811 466
Address:Trinity House
Tower Hill
United Kingdom

What is Maritime London?

Maritime London – the promotional body for UK based companies providing professional services to the international shipping industry

Funded by over 100 companies and organisations from a wide range of disciplines, Maritime London ensures that the UK remains a world beating location to base a maritime related business. Maritime London’s mission is to promote the UK as the world’s premier maritime business centre.

Our core Maritime Services

The UK is home to a world beating array of professional maritime service providers. Maritime sectors include:

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