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Watson Farley & Williams advise Iccrea Bancaimpresa on Gruppo Augustea financing

Posted on: 1 February 2016

International law firm Watson Farley & Williams (“WFW“) has advised Iccrea Bancaimpresa S.p.A.
(“Iccrea”), the corporate banking arm of Credito Cooperativo, on the €20 million financing of
Gruppo Augustea subsidiary Maritime Transportation Ltd (“AMT”).

The transaction, on which Iccrea worked closely with Banca di Credito Cooperativo di Napoli (“BCC
Napoli”) as both arranger and underwriter, was arranged to refinance investments made by AMT in
the last few years for the purchase of five oceanic barges: AMT Carrier, AMT Venturer, AMT
Challenger, AMT Commander and AMT Crusader.

Gruppo Augustea is a provider of sea transportation services, primarily operating in the dry bulk
shipping, harbour towage, deep sea towing services and oceanic barge transportation sectors.
The WFW team advising Iccrea on all Italia law aspects of the matter was led by Milan finance
partner Francesco Dialti, Partner of the Milan office, assisted by associate Emanuele Caretti and
trainee Federico Tropeano.

Partner Robert Tufigno of GTG Advocates advised Iccrea on Maltese legal matters. Augustea was
represented by in-house counsel Cesare Guerrieri and Roberto Peroni.

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