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ABS appoints Stamatis Fradelos Vice President of Regulatory Affairs

Industry veteran to spearhead ABS engagement with global maritime administrations and regulatory bodies

Posted on: 15 February 2022

As shipowners navigate an ever more complex regulatory environment, ABS has appointed Athens-based specialist Stamatis Fradelos as Vice President of Regulatory Affairs.

Fradelos, who returns to ABS’ Athens office, where he was previously Business Director and member of the IACS Environmental Panel, will spearhead ABS engagement with administrations and regulatory bodies and support the industry with compliance guidance.

“ABS is engaged with maritime regulators and administrators all over the world and Stamatis will take our work in this area to the next level. He will also be available to offer the industry detailed insight and guidance on the impacts of today’s unprecedented, dynamic regulatory environment. Under his leadership, we will build on our track record of excellence in this area, enhancing our services and support for the industry, while deepening our engagement with the maritime authorities,” said Christopher J. Wiernicki, ABS Chairman, President and CEO.

Fradelos, a Fellow of the Royal Institution of Naval Architects and a Chartered Engineer of the UK Engineering Council, has a strong engineering background with a M.Sc in Mechanical Engineering, a M.Sc in Marine Technology and Science and a M.Sc in Techno-Economic Systems.

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