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ABS launches digital solution for sustainable marine operations

Posted on: 2 February 2021

ABS today launches the Environmental Monitor as a key part of its My Digital Fleet™ risk management platform. ABS Environmental Monitor™ is the maritime industry’s most comprehensive digital sustainability solution to help shipowners achieve their sustainability goals by leveraging multiple data sources, including vessel routing, waste stream, operations, and emissions data, to provide transparent reporting.

Kash Mahmood, ABS Senior Vice President, Digital Solutions said: “ABS is a leader in both maritime sustainability and in the application of digital technologies for enhanced asset management. ABS Environmental Monitor brings these together to provide unprecedented levels of insight into the sustainability performance of an individual vessel or fleet. ABS is uniquely well placed to offer this service to shipowners in need of practical solutions for meeting their sustainability targets and developing a detailed understanding of their environmental performance.”

“Meeting IMO sustainability objectives is a significant challenge and ABS is committed to supporting the industry on this journey. ABS Environmental Monitor is the latest example of how we are applying digital technologies to assist operators in understanding how their assets may be affected by the rapidly evolving landscape of global environmental regulation. A comprehensive solution to monitor sustainability related key performance indicators, ABS Environmental Monitor can help operators make data-informed decisions in light of these new, complex reporting schemes,” commented Georgios Plevrakis, ABS Director, Global Sustainability.

ABS Environmental Monitor serves to:

  • Monitor and track overall fleet or vessel-specific environmental categories, such as emissions, garbage, waste, and consumables data.
  • View vessel emissions profile, including total emissions across laden and ballast voyages, carbon intensity, emissions per transport, emissions per distance, and total emissions per consumer.
  • Performs calculations in accordance with the Environmental Ship Index and Poseidon Principles.
  • Track Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) on garbage, waste, and consumables metrics, such as disposal methods and categories, water production efficiency, consumption efficiency by voyage, among others.
  • View scrubber system performance based on Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems (EGCS) reporting.
  • View historical voyage data by fleet or vessel.

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