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Apprenticeship breakthrough for UK maritime sector

Posted on: 6 May 2021

The Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education has announced its long-awaited radical change to End Point Assessment in regulated professions – like those which fall under the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA).

According to Maritime Skills Commission, the news, which comes in an announcement entitled ‘Statutory Regulated Occupations’, is a breakthrough for the maritime sector and one the Commission has been working towards for some time. Employers have long complained that the Institute’s requirements for End Point Assessment simply duplicate the work of the MCA, another statutory body which already assesses candidates’ competence. That duplication adds cost and takes extra time for no benefit.

The Institute has listened, in particular Martin Keeves, Senior Relationship Manager, for whose hard work in securing this change we are grateful. The maritime sector was one of two – along with nursing – which the Institute has used to work through the policy implications of aligning the requirements of two separate statutory bodies. The MCA have also taken the time to explain to the Institute how its assessment processes work.

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