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Coming Ashore programme goes from strength to strength

There is no better time to support the Marine Society’s Coming Ashore programme!

Posted on: 6 February 2023

Launched in 2020, the programme is now entering its fourth year of operation and is keen to hear from Maritime London members that are willing to sponsor the programme through the tiered support packages detailed below.

Marine Society has long been regarded as the first choice for seafarer learning and professional development, providing education, resources and financial assistance to seafarers across the globe. The charity continues to evolve to meet these needs with the Coming Ashore programme that realises the outcomes of the 2015 Maritime Growth Study and vision of Project Ulysses. It provides the only structured programme for seafarers who need help to make that challenging transition ashore into maritime roles.

Seafarer’s skills at all ranks are highly valued and the need to retain these within the industry remains strong. Nevertheless, without professional support, too many fail to plan their transition effectively and often return to sea after short periods ashore. That is why the programme’s cadre of industry mentors, many who are ex-seafarers themselves, are ensuring a high conversion rate among those who join the programme. These mentors bring a wide a range of sector expertise including maritime law, insurance, broking, surveying and many others. This allows the seafarer to be matched with a mentor that meets their career aspirations.

Nearly 400 applicants have accessed the programme with around a quarter completing the process and demand is growing. To date, Coming Ashore has secured maritime jobs for 35 seafarers in such roles as Port Agent, Maritime Lecturer, Marine Surveyor and Freight Operator with large employers such as IDWAL, Maritime & Coastguard Agency, Carnival UK and APB Humber.

Following a well-attended launch event in July 2022, Marine Society announced a new Sea to Shore Industry Placement Scheme (SSIPs). The scheme is to provide short placements for seafarers so they can experience life ashore in a chosen maritime professional services company. The scheme saw its first seafarer placed with UK P&I Club Thomas Miller in December 2022 and the firm were delighted with the outcome. But more placements are needed. If you would like to register your interest in offering a SSIP please complete this form.

Marine Society are now inviting employers to commit as part of their CSR to one of the tiered packages below. The programme is looking to secure annual sponsorship of £50k to ensure its ongoing operation through staffing and resources.

To discuss this or request further information about the Coming Ashore programme and how it can benefit your organisation, please contact Carla Rockson at or visit


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