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Former SMI Chief Executive John Murray receives New Year’s Honour

Posted on: 4 January 2021

The Society of Maritime Industries is delighted to announce that former Chief Executive, John Murray (pictured), has been awarded an OBE (Order of the British Empire) in the New Year’s Honours list. The award is for his nineteen years of service in support of the UK maritime sector.

During his time at SMI John Murray was vocal in support of the maritime engineering sector and a strong proponent of research and innovation as exemplified by being the driving force behind MarRI-UK. He also worked hard behind the scenes in the establishment of the National Shipbuilding Strategy and the regional SME supply chain for the aircraft carrier programme.

John also had an eye for strategic and business development opportunities for the sector with the development of the Maritime Autonomous Systems Council and bringing the marine science sector into the membership. Since his retirement from SMI in July 2020 John has continued his involvement with the Rotary Club and is now Chairman of the Harpenden branch.

Tom Chant, SMI’s new CEO, said “This honour is much deserved for all the hard work that John put in. I witnessed at first hand for over three years John’s prodigious work rate in running SMI and supporting the industry, always with calm diplomacy and the highest integrity.”

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