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How can Seafarers keep safe from Coronavirus (Covid-19)

Posted on: 23 June 2021

During the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic millions of people in all parts of the world became infected and sadly more than three million have died. Inevitably, the world of shipping has also been affected by this devastating virus.

The important role of seafarers in maintaining world trade continues, and their health and well-being is paramount. Steamship Mutual says it has been proud to work with Marine Media Enterprises to produce a series of Covid-19 films, which aim to provide a further level of support and information to seafarers, wherever they may be.

As new mutations of the virus are emerging, extra precautions are being taken, resulting in more stringent requirements further affecting the work and lives of seafarers all over the world.

As a result, two new films have been produced “Covid-19 Update” and “Covid-19: The Vaccine Perspective”.

The first of these new films discusses the effects of the significant changes imposed by Flag States, Labour Supply Countries, Port States and Port Authorities, and issues such as:

  1. How to maintain mental resilience.
  2. How to deal with Covid-19 on board and stay safe.
  3. How seafarers are affected during crew change.
  4. How the distribution of vaccines may change the situation.

The second film – the sixth in the Covid-19 series – provides information relating to the vaccines and includes:

  1. The Covid-19 Infection.
  2. Preventative measures.
  3. How the vaccines work.
  4. The various types of available vaccines – how they differ.
  5. How seafarers can receive vaccination.

Subtitled language versions of these new films will be added to the website shortly. The first four films in the series “Coronavirus – Stay Safe On Board”, “Coronavirus – Mental Resilience On Board”, “Coronavirus – Protection on Board” and “Coronavirus – Crew Change”, are all available to download from our website here, where you will also find links to subtitled language versions of each film.

Further information and advice relating to Coronavirus (COVID-19) can be found on the Club’s website here.

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