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IMarEST launches campaign to support seafarers

Posted on: 8 February 2016

The Institute of Marine Engineering Science & Technology (IMarEST) has launched a campaign aimed at supporting seafarers in developing their skills and demonstrating their competencies.

The campaign raises awareness of options available to seafarers to grow their knowledge whilst continuing their role at sea – such as innovative e-learning higher education courses specifically relevant for senior management positions ashore – for example an MSc in Sustainable Maritime Operations.

IMarEST also reminds seafarers how to use their existing certificates of competency to gain professional qualifications such as Chartered or Registered status. The IMarEST recognises certificates of competency (both deck and engine) as equivalent to up to Master’s-level learning, making it easier for seafarers to apply for professional registration and achieve a universally recognised professional status.

David Loosley, IMarEST Chief Executive said: “The IMarEST recognises that many seafarers are looking to maximise their career potential and gain additional knowledge in preparation for more senior positions ashore or afloat. Seafarers sometimes feel pressured to leave their jobs at sea earlier than planned in order to try and move up the career ladder, sometimes leaving the sector altogether. By utilising our latest e-learning technology seafarers can stay at sea longer but continue to develop the skills they need to make the next career step and remain in the maritime profession.”

“We believe the upskilling of seafarers will also help towards bridging the skills gap employers have identified within the sector. Many employers want to utilise the experience of their sea-going staff in shore-based management positions but are faced with the challenge that many lack the required knowledge. The IMarEST is committed to supporting the recruitment, retention and professional development of the very best individuals in the maritime and marine sector.”

Find out more about preparing for life ashore at

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