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James Fisher Subtech signs second charter for multipurpose offshore vessel to meet the UK’s offshore energy needs

JF Subtech to cover a wider scope of capabilities and projects across multiple markets, further supporting the UK energy industry

Posted on: 3 April 2023

James Fisher Subtech (JF Subtech), part of James Fisher and Sons plc, has signed its second charter agreement of 2023. Allowing for the exclusive use and operation of the multipurpose offshore vessel, Olympic Taurus, the agreement with Olympic Subsea increases JF Subtech’s vessel availability and its capacity to support additional projects and further cements its commitment to the UK offshore energy industry.

The agreement will see the vessel utilised by both JF Subtech and sister company, James Fisher Renewables (JF Renewables), increasing operational uptime and flexibility at a time when vessel availability across the energy industry is limited. The Olympic Taurus has already been mobilised for work from Montrose Port, Aberdeenshire, and fitted with a work class remotely operated vehicle (WROV), in support of an unexploded ordnance (UXO) identification, survey and disposal campaign in the North Sea.

Following completion of the campaign in early May, the vessel will be available for additional projects and mobilised in and around UK and European waters. The Olympic Taurus’ adaptability means that it can be reconfigured for a wide range of work scopes, largely on UXO identification with ROV, IRM activities and air diving projects, core services for both JF Subtech and JF Renewables.

Mike Bailey, Asset and Operations Director at JF Subtech, said:

“JF Subtech is incredibly proud to welcome the Olympic Taurus, our second chartered vessel for 2023. As the vessel market tightens, she will prove to be a reliable and capable asset at a predictable cost base, deployed on various WROV projects for our customers in the energy sector.

“The agreement allows us the flexibility to co“The agreement allows us the flexibility to continue supporting our existing customers with our core capabilities whilst simultaneously supporting the wider UK offshore energy industry.”

The news follows JF Subtech’s recent announcement of its first seasonal charter agreement for IRM and subsea construction vessel, Edda Savanah. With both vessels in place, JF Subtech will be able to cover a wide scope of capabilities and projects across multiple markets, further supporting the UK energy industry.

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