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LISW21 Sea to City Networking Scheme event

LISW21 retrospective

Posted on: 25 September 2021

The Sea to City Networking Scheme event, co-organised by Maritime London and Nautilus International as part of London International Shipping Week 2021 on September 13th, was hosted by Norton Rose Fulbright LLP in their London offices in-person for a very limited audience coupled with a live video stream to on-line attendees.

The seminar provided the opportunity for maritime services professionals and seafarers to meet and discuss the opportunities that exist for former seafarers in maritime services and help those at sea to make links into the networks that will help them succeed. The event also showcased The Marine Society’s Coming Ashore Programme.

Mark Dickinson, General Secretary of Nautilus International and Phil Parry, Director of Maritime London & Chairman, Spinnaker Global delivered keynoted addresses, which were followed by a discussion moderated by Helen Kelly, Managing Editor & Head of Communications, Nautilus International. The panel included Nautilus International Professional & Technical Officer David Appleton, AqualisBraemar LOC Surveyor Fena Boyle, consultant and Coming Ashore mentor Steve Cameron, Pacific Island Navigation Director and Sea to City mentor Mark Glasgow and Sea to City Scheme Mentee Ronnell Llamas, Second Officer on an MPC heavylift vessel.

Fena Boyle, who is a former seafarer and now Surveyor at AqualisBraemar LOC,  said: “The Sea to City programme will be of huge importance for seafarers coming ashore. Not only will they get the help and advice they need, but companies will be able to approach this programme when looking to hire those coming ashore and help them on their way to shoreside success. It is a programme that has long been needed and I am pleased to be a part of it. There is a lot of support for seafarers coming ashore, it just isn’t always well publicised and I hope that this programme, and it’s benefits, will be promulgated to those who need it.”

For more details read the write-up of the event by Nautilus International here or copy

And watch the replay video here.

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