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LISW23 Retrospective

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Posted on: 24 October 2023

When I think back to LISW23 and importantly the role that Maritime London and our members played in the week, my primary take-away was that we have a market full of exceptionally talented individuals and innovative companies who engaged with some of the stickiest issues in our market, with a level on intellectual integrity, honesty and I believe optimism.  A doyen of the shipping industry, who has witnessed their fair share of shipping cycles, said to me just before the week that this is without doubt the most exciting time to be a shipping professional. I believe LISW23 evidenced this.

Due to our position in the market, Maritime London has the ability to bring industry participants from the UK and internationally together. Partnering was a key strategy for Maritime London, this LISW, as all our events, whether they be roundtables, conferences or seminars, everything we did during the week we did it together.

Maritime London should provide a platform for the market of ideas. As we witness the changes in global trade, the imperative to decarbonise and as a consequence, on many fronts a far greater exposure to national and supranational regulation, we must take a pluralistic view of the solutions, even if we don’t understand all of them! Only through discussion and building understanding can we foster the business and technological innovation required in the industry. Further, we must also provide forums for the membership to engage directly with governments on regulation and initiatives. As I hope the summary of the events that Maritime London participated in shows, I feel satisfied that we achieved these objectives.

We also managed to have a good few drinks, some excellent food and raise a bit of cash for two very worthwhile and relevant charities, the Maritime London Officer Cadet Scheme and Nautilus Welfare Fund.

May I also take this opportunity to thank all the stakeholders we worked with during the week, those that sponsored or facilitated events and of course the Maritime London team, who worked so hard to pull the whole thing off!

Jos Standerwick
Chief Executive, Maritime London

What is Maritime London?

Maritime London – the promotional body for UK based companies providing professional services to the international shipping industry

Funded by over 100 companies and organisations from a wide range of disciplines, Maritime London ensures that the UK remains a world beating location to base a maritime related business. Maritime London’s mission is to promote the UK as the world’s premier maritime business centre.

Our core Maritime Services

The UK is home to a world beating array of professional maritime service providers. Maritime sectors include:

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