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LMAA publishes Guidelines on Conduct of Virtual and Semi-Virtual Hearings

Posted on: 10 July 2020

The London Maritime Aribitrators’ Association (LMAA) has published its Guidelines on the Conduct of Virtual and Semi-Virtual Hearings on 10 July.

The Guidelines are the product of the LMAA IT Working Group, which has taken into account the practical experience of arbitrators, counsel and solicitors since early 2020. They can be expected to provide a benchmark for the conduct of international maritime arbitration hearings during the COVID crisis and beyond.

Ian Gaunt, Past President of the LMAA and Chairman of the LMAA IT Working Group, said “LMAA arbitrators have been carrying on with virtual hearings since the lockdown began at the end of March. Although there was some initial reluctance of parties to have hearings dealt with in this way, virtual hearings have now become the norm and in most cases arbitrators and parties have been able to find a way around the logistical difficulties which appeared at first, such as making documents available electronically. It is estimated that some 20 virtual hearings have now been held in LMAA cases (out of 100 in a typical 12 month period). It seems certain that when we are able to go back to physical hearings, some of the techniques used in lockdown will continue to be used, for example presentation of documents electronically and cross-examination of witnesses without the need for them to fly to London. The new LMAA guidelines are an important step in making clear to parties involved what will be expected of them in preparing for a virtual hearing and in the hearing itself.

Please visit this link to read the Guidelines in full.


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