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Maritime leadership programme goes virtual

Posted on: 19 August 2020

Adapting to demand during the COVID-19 pandemic and to help keep employees who are working from home engaged, Spinnaker Global has announced that its Maritime Leadership Development Programme will be conducted virtually this autumn.

Effective leadership
According to our research only one-fifth of maritime industry employees believe their employers develop their people well or promote those with the best management aptitude.

Effective leadership creates a positive impact on team members – performance, productivity, behaviour and morale.

Personality profiling
For managers of today and leaders of the future, the Maritime Leadership Development Programme is provided by Spinnaker and t-three and incorporates the personality profiling tool Facet5.

Facet5 is used because it is a ‘trait-based’ profile, in preference to type-based profiles such as Myers Briggs, which categorise people as one type or another.

Before the virtual workshop maritime leadership sessions, each attendee completes their Facet5 personality profile and receives feedback via video call. The one to one coaching that follows the workshop not only helps to embed changes at an individual level but provides a confidential overview for the CEO of any challenges.

“The programme came at the right time for me, transitioning from sea to shore, expanding to a different world where I am not constrained by the limits of the ship”, said a previous programme attendee.

Adapting during COVID
Delivered globally as an open programme for individuals or small group attendance, it is also available for exclusive, in-house delivery. During these extraordinary times, we are also able to deliver this virtually if you are working from home.

“This is the first time we’ve delivered the programme virtually,” says Spinnaker’s Lucy McQuillan, “but we’ve always delivered our personality profiling feedback on video call so this is a natural transition from that.”

Being able to deliver these programmes virtually erases any global attendance issues too. “We’ve just delivered a bespoke programme online for a major shipping client, and we’ve been able to have attendees from Germany, Singapore and India all attend virtually.”

The programme can be booked by contacting Lucy McQuillan at

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Maritime London – the promotional body for UK based companies providing professional services to the international shipping industry

Funded by over 100 companies and organisations from a wide range of disciplines, Maritime London ensures that the UK remains a world beating location to base a maritime related business. Maritime London’s mission is to promote the UK as the world’s premier maritime business centre.

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The UK is home to a world beating array of professional maritime service providers. Maritime sectors include:

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