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MLOCS and ICS announce partnership

Posted on: 27 October 2015

The Maritime London Officer Cadet Scholarship (MLOCS) trustees have recently announced the signing of a service agreement with the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers under which the Institute will provide administrative assistance to the Trustees and in particular launch an internet driven initiative to bring current and past MLOCS Cadets together and at the same time introduce them to the opportunities for further their knowledge of the industry through ICS membership.

At a meeting before the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers Annual Prize Giving at Trinity House the President of the I.C.S., Bruce Ogilvy, and MLOCS Chairman George Greenwood signed the agreement and looked forward to both organisations supporting each other in their core activities of maritime education and training.

At the reception following the Prize Giving MLOCS Cadet Richard Grad who has recently gained his Officer of the Watch Certificate of Competency spoke about his experiences as a Cadet to the international audience. Richard’s MLOCS Cadetship was sponsored by the ICS Educational Trust Fund. In thanking MLOCS and the Institute he confirmed: “I could not have chosen the career path I did without these two organisations having faith in me. “

In announcing the MLOCS/ICS collaboration George Greenwood said: “Both organisations are committed to investment in the education of young people to ensure future continuity and expertise and to foster their links with the City as well as their careers at sea. The young people supported by MLOCS and ICS are exceptional, hard working and enthusiastic and we are delighted that a partnership between our two organisations will strengthen the support we each can offer.”

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