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New PR book to support maritime leaders out now

Making Waves the new book on public relations in the maritme industry is out now on Amazon

Posted on: 24 June 2021

The book is written by Ben Pinnington, the managing director of public relations firm Polaris Media, and is published by entrepreneur publisher Rethink Press.

The book titled ‘Making Waves: Public relations strategies to transform your maritime business’ features insight from leading maritime industry figures, maritime journalists as well as PR thought leaders. 20pc of profits will go to Liverpool Seafarers Centre and the Battle of the Atlantic Memorial.

Ben said ‘Making Waves’ is drawn from over 20 years working in the media as a reporter and PR. He said it is aimed at business leaders seeking to “raise awareness, win business, build their reputation and handle a crisis”.

He said it features ‘how to’ chapters on brand, media relations, crisis, social media, strategy and evaluation. “The maritime industry has some of the greatest stories to tell of any sector in the world and is fundamental to global trade,” Ben commented. “However, maritime does not always communicate well and often prefers a low profile. Recent incidents like the Ever Given crisis and the Black Trail documentary have brought this into sharp focus. Making Waves is written to try and help executives understand how to use PR better. PR is more than communications gloss, more than an add on to marketing, it is a discipline in its own right that should inform the strategic direction of the company.”

Mandy Pearse, the President of the Chartered Institute of Public Relations said: “Making Waves provides real insight into the maritime industry in a time of change and the strategic value of public relations in supporting its work. What comes through clearly is the necessity for theory and professional practice to be matched with insight and knowledge of the sector. This book is a call to action to business leaders to put strategic public relations at the heart of their operations and for practitioners to become the trusted advisors those leaders need.”

Lucy McCarraher, Founder Rethink Press said: “Rethink Press is delighted to be publishing Ben Pinnington’s book that will be hugely valuable to the maritime industry. We publish the books of entrepreneurs, and the maritime industry is a new market for us. We believe that Making Waves will really open the eyes of many businesses to the opportunities of positioning and presenting themselves in a dynamic and positive way.”

The paperback edition of Making Waves can be ordered on Amazon now, it will also be published later in the summer on kindle, audio book and old school dust jacket. For further details email:

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