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North P&I Club defines sustainability strategy in inaugural Impact Report

Posted on: 13 December 2021

The first North Group Impact Report highlights the Club’s extensive commitments to sustainability and “ambitious but achievable” targets for the years ahead.

To provide insight into its initiatives and future priorities for sustainability, North P&I Club has launched its first North Group Impact Report. The 22-page document details the Club’s progress in three key areas – planet, people and performance – and sets out its sustainability targets for 2030.

“Our focus in this, our inaugural Impact Report, is on the tangible and important steps that we are currently taking at North and our strategy going forward,” explains Mark Church, Head of Sustainability, North P&I Club. “Sustainability for North is about trying to make real-world differences in the ways that we operate internally and facilitating sustainability for our Members and Clients.”

In the Impact Report, North names seven of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as underpinning its sustainability efforts: 3) good health and well-being; 5) gender equality; 8) decent work and economic growth; 9) industry, innovation and infrastructure; 13) climate action; 14) life below water; and 16) peace, justice and strong institutions. Among these SDGs, it acknowledges goal 13, climate action, as the “biggest sustainability challenge that we face”.

The Report goes on to review the steps North is taking to mitigate its own climate impacts and those of its Members and Clients, such as handling of pollution-related claims and establishing a cross-departmental ‘Navigating Decarbonisation’ working group. It also assesses North’s actions in protecting and supporting people – including through its COVID-19 Tracking Tool and Mind Matters crew welfare programme – and provides an overview of its recent customer satisfaction performance.

“This Impact Report sets out the extensive work being undertaken on sustainability at North and sets out seven ambitious but achievable top-level targets for 2030,” says Paul Jennings, Chief Executive. “These focus on carbon emissions, waste, our supply chain, diversity and inclusion, corporate social responsibility, employee engagement and investments. North is in a strong position to enable change in the maritime sector – through its own actions and by using our expertise to help ensure that our Members and Clients are equipped to continue trading with confidence in the decades to come.”

The full 2030 Sustainability Strategy and Impact Report can be downloaded here.

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