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Perceptions vs Expectations: How is ESG impacting stakeholder conversations?

Posted on: 31 May 2023

On May 26th, Maritime London ran a webinar, entitled “Perceptions vs Expectations: How is ESG impacting stakeholder conversations?”, which served as a good platform for owners, classification societies, insurers and financing institutions to discuss what ESG – Environmental, Social & Governance – really means for maritime, the perceptions versus the expectation, debunking myths and practical advise on how we can navigate through this new era.

This virtual roundtable was moderated by Maritime London’s Chief Executive Jos Standerwick, who was joined by speakers: Nikos Benetis, Technical Director & ESG Lead at Hayfin Capital Management LLP/Greenheart Management Company; Epameinondas Chandros, Director – Transformation & Risk at Attica Group; Gina Panayiotou, ESG Manager at West of England P&I Club; and Gautam Puri, Vice President – Business Advisory & Energy Transition Advisory Services at Lloyd’s Register.

The panel discussed the ESG status quo in shipping – what’s changed, what needs to change, balancing of the E – S – G and what this means for shipping stakeholders, how ESG is impacting stakeholder requirements, e.g. insurance, funding, class, etc, as well as risk, regulation and reputation management.

Watch the recording of the webinar here.

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