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Quadrant Chambers welcomes Maya Chilaeva and Joseph Gourgey as new members

Posted on: 1 October 2021

Quadrant Chambers is delighted to welcome Maya Chilaeva and Joseph Gourgey as new members of chambers. Maya and Joe have now successfully completed their pupillage and join as full members of Quadrant Chambers from 1 October.

They are available to accept instructions and will develop their practices in line with Chambers’ core areas of work. To find out more or to discuss instructing Maya or Joe, please do not hesitate to contact our excellent practice management team, who would be happy to assist: or +44(0)20 7583 4444.

Quadrant Chambers holds a pre-eminent position as one of the leading international commercial disputes sets. We pride ourselves on our legal excellence, commerciality, and levels of client service. Our key areas are aviation, banking, commercial disputes, commodities, energy, fraud, insolvency, insurance, international arbitration and shipping.

Maya Chilaeva
From October 2019 to August 2020, Maya spent ten months as a judicial assistant to the Commercial Court, sitting with a number of judges on matters ranging from without notice applications for freezing injunctions to an eight-week trial in the case of PCP Capital Partners LLP v Barclays Bank [2021] EWHC 1852 (Comm). This experience, as well as the training received during pupillage, informs her approach to case preparation and advocacy as a junior barrister.

Prior to becoming a barrister, Maya worked for three years as an analyst in Equity Research at Bank of America Merrill Lynch. In that role she worked on the valuation of listed and unlisted companies in the Retail and European Diversified Financials sectors. She was also involved in regulatory work in relation to the operation of exchanges and produced written reports on the implications of MiFID II, the Financial Transaction Tax and Target2Securities for capital markets. Maya has passed the level 1 CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst) exams.

Maya graduated from the London School of Economics and completed the GDL with distinction at City University. She was the winner of the Times 2TG national mooting competition in 2020.

View Maya’s full profile:

Joseph Gourgey
Joseph is developing his practice in line with Chambers’ core areas of work.

He graduated from St Hilda’s College, Oxford with a first in jurisprudence, obtaining the College prize in both Finals and Prelims. On the BCL he studied Commercial Remedies and Conflicts of Law, winning the Reynolds Scholarship from Worcester College, Oxford. He completed the BPTC with an Outstanding.

Joseph worked as a private tutor in contract and commercial law between 2018-20 and as a Finalist Mentor at St Hilda’s College Oxford in 2018-19. He also volunteered at the Free Representation Unit in Social Security Tribunals. Joseph took part in a vacation scheme at Hogan Lovells, which included experience with the insurance disputes team.

View Joe’s full profile:

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