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Seafarers UK launches 24/7 Challenge

Posted on: 7 September 2020

Maritime charity Seafarers UK has launched the 24/7 Challenge in support of seafarers and their families affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The premise of the event is that seafarers spend 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at sea and often for many, many months, disconnected from family and friends, and often missing out on key milestones in their loved ones’ lives. We are inviting our supporters to take part in the challenge by choosing to do anything relating to the numbers 2,4 or 7 (in any order) from running 24 miles over 7 days, to keeping silent for 24 hours, baking 24 cakes in 7 days or dancing for 7 minutes a day for 24 days.

Find out more information about the challenge here or download the Seafarers UK 247 Challenge Ideas leaflet.

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