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Solis Marine Group appoints Duncan Campbell as Partner

Posted on: 6 March 2023

As Solis Marine Group continues its plans for expansion, the company has announced the appointment of senior naval architect and leading data analyst Duncan Campbell (pictured) as a Partner.

Based out of Solis Marine’s London practice, Duncan takes overall responsibility for naval architecture consultancy services.

Duncan joined Solis Marine in 2017 as a naval architect and AIS and VDR analyst, working out of Solis Marine’s Singapore office before relocating to London at the end of 2019.

He provides consultancy and survey services to marine and offshore clients with a focus on hydrostatic stability and strength analyses, salvage and expert witness work, casualty management and project risk management.

Duncan has worked extensively with the analysis of AIS and VDR data, providing visual representations of vessel movements used in collision, casualty and traffic analyses. He has led the development of Solis Marine’s custom built Rapid Replay platform, providing written and oral evidence with regards to the extraction and analysis of vessel electronic data used in the reconstruction of shipping incidents in court proceedings.

Commenting on his appointment, Duncan said: “I’m delighted to have been appointed a partner at Solis Marine after a very enjoyable six years with the company. I’m looking forward to working with our clients to further expand our naval architecture consultancy services and continuing the development of our AIS and VDR analysis services.”

Solis Marine Group chairman Nigel Clark said: “Since joining Solis Marine, Duncan has made great progress in furthering our naval architecture services, gaining success and recognition as an expert witness and taking the lead in the development and promotion of our Rapid Replay system. We are pleased to welcome him as a Partner.”

In previous roles, Duncan carried out vessel surveys, damage surveys and equipment certification and worked as a naval architect on projects including new build plan approval, stability analysis, damage inspection, repair specification and supervision, vessel modifications and strength analysis.

He graduated from the University of Strathclyde and University of Glasgow as a Master of Engineering in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering in 2009, becoming a Chartered Engineer in 2017. Duncan is a member of RINA.

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