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Standard Club launches its new safety at sea initiative

Series of Master’s Guide to …

Posted on: 12 January 2021

As part of the Standard Club’s continuing commitment to safety at sea, its Loss Prevention team has produced a number of ‘Master’s Guides’ that give best practice advice on key areas of vessel operations to avert avoidable claims and prevent accidents, casualties and incidents at sea. These guides were created using the professional knowledge and insight of members of the Loss Prevention team who have served at sea. The aim of the guides is to provide advice which will serve to eliminate claims deriving from common errors and/or mistakes, made during routine operations.

The latest in the series, Master’s Guide to Container Securing looks at container securing systems, the causes of lashing failure and offers advice on how losses can be minimised. The guide has recently been updated to include the latest advice on applying extra lashings, design roll angle and the container securing arrangement, periodic checks of lashings, and avoidance of overtightening lashings.

Following the release of the Master’s Guide to Container Securing, The Standard Club will be hosting a live Q&A webinar at 9am on Wednesday 20th January 2021. Further information is available here and you can register for the seminar discussing this here.

Other guides recently published include:

Master’s Guide to the Carriage of Steel Cargo promotes best practice and raises awareness of the risks of shipping steel cargo. It focuses on correctly loading, stowing, caring for and securing steel cargoes. Its advice will help crew to avoid steel cargo damage.

Master’s Guide to Enclosed Space Entry is aimed at assisting seafarers entering enclosed spaces safely and preventing enclosed space-related casualties. The continued loss of life due to improper enclosed space entry and rescue are unfortunate reminders of the dangers associated with confined spaces on board ships. This guide addresses risks and causes related to enclosed space entry and focuses on the most common issues that result in incidents, offering key advice and knowledge to educate those at sea.

Captain Yves Vandenborn, Director of Loss Prevention, The Standard Club said: “Today’s ships are safer than ever and yet we continue to see accidents every year. Our guides have been designed to provide insight and best practice advice to ship owners and crews to help minimise incidents at sea.”

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