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Standard Club launches new Offshore Advisory Committee

Industry collaboration providing a forum for discussion and exchange of information on offshore contracting, emerging risks and loss prevention initiatives

Posted on: 21 July 2017

The Standard Club is driving developments in offshore P&I with the launch of the Standard Club Offshore Advisory Committee (SCOAC).  SCOAC aims to analyse offshore trends, assist the club in further understanding and disseminating industry best-practice and develop new strategies to provide a focused direction for the benefit of the club’s offshore membership. The committee consists of leading offshore players including Allseas Group, Bumi Armada, Floatel International, Nortrans Offshore, Saipem, SBM Offshore and Subsea 7 – all members of The Standard Club.

The members of the committee are senior figures in the offshore industry with extensive experience and knowledge allowing them to provide invaluable insight to the committee which in turn will be shared with the wider membership.

SCOAC will review the current issues and emerging challenges affecting key sectors in the offshore industry including production, drilling, accommodation, constructions/installation, support/supply and other specialist operations. The focus is on ensuring that the club’s response is the most appropriate and supportive for its members given the challenging market conditions that they currently face. SCOAC will also consider the implications of new regulations coming into force, offshore contracting trends and other topical subjects affecting the offshore industry.

The Standard Club’s board fully supports this initiative, recognising not only the importance of cultivating collaboration between offshore members but also in continuing to be innovative and create a formal platform in which industry issues can be discussed to further support its members.

James Bean, Managing Director, Standard Europe commented: “The Standard Club is a leader in the offshore P&I sector and has unparalleled experience having reviewed and underwritten a wide range of offshore risks for more than 40 years, supported by first class claims service and loss prevention advice. Through its broad range of covers and diverse membership supported by high limits of cover, the club is well positioned to launch an Offshore Advisory Committee bringing together leaders in this sector to work collaboratively on industry issues affecting our members”.
Our committee members are established figures in the offshore world and being able to call upon their considerable expertise is invaluable. I would like to thank them for the enthusiasm with which they have greeted this initiative and to Claire Bromley from Subsea7 for kindly accepting the committee’s nomination to take on the role of chair.”

Claire Bromley, Head of Insurance, Subsea 7 SA Chairman said:: “SCOAC reinforces The Standard Club’s commitment to understanding and appreciating the evolving needs of its members and in looking for ways in which to further support these. As chairman I am looking forward to working together with the rest of the committee to ensure SCOAC is a success.”

Members of The Standard Club Offshore Advisory Committee are:
Claire Bromley, Head of Insurance, Subsea 7 SA – Chairman
Jonathan Cassidy, Group Risk Manager and Insurance Director, SBM Offshore
Suchitra Narayanan, General Manager, Risk & Insurance, Bumi Armada Berhad
Johann Preller, Insurance Lead, Allseas Group S.A.
Bertrand Valentin, Offshore E&C and Drilling Insurance Manager, Saipem Group
Trond Kyrkjeboe, CEO, Nortrans Offshore  Pte Ltd
Thony Lindström Härdin, General Counsel, Floatel International Ltd

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