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Templar Executives launch SIRO Portal

Posted on: 17 August 2020

Cyber security specialists Templar Executives Ltd have announced the launch of the SIRO Portal, an online community for board-level Senior Information Risk Owners (SIRO).  The SIRO Portal is focused on leadership and information risk in a strategic business context.

This ‘forum of trust’ is an industry first; it will enable SIROs to interact with their peers and share pragmatic experiences, knowledge and skills within and across industry sectors. Regular threat intelligence will allow SIROs to stay informed on a dynamic and increasingly complex Cyber landscape. The first phase of this exciting initiative will see personal invitations go out imminently to over 200 SIROs within our network. As we embrace new ways of working and thinking, the SIRO portal will encourage members to collaborate and support each other during a time of unprecedented challenge and beyond.

The Senior Information Risk Owner role, originally created in 2004, was refreshed and re-invigorated during the UK Government’s Data Handling Review (DHR) in 2008. The DHR enshrined the SIRO as a board-level role with a new Terms of Reference that aligned accountability and responsibility for information/Cyber Security risk based decisions. Today, we face a turbulent world and the fundamental role of the SIRO has accelerated in prominence as organisations seek to adapt culturally and operationally to new norms. Integral to this change is addressing the growing business exposure to cyber attacks and data breaches that also impact on safety, reputation and shareholder value.

Templar Executives has long been an advocate of the SIRO’s leadership role and advising on the unique skills required in “owning” the information risk at Board-Level and ensuring organisational compliance through strong governance. Our world class NCSC certified course continues to provide customised training and support to hundreds of SIROs across all sectors. “Dealing constructively with change is a leadership competency and now more than ever leaders need to continue honing their skills” observes Andrew Fitzmaurice, CEO of Templar Executives. “Over the years we have helped establish a great leadership community which is now developing greater momentum and capability through the SIRO Portal”.

For more information on this announcement please contact Templar Executives on or call +44 (0)844 443 6243

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