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UK Club launches new training video series entitled ‘Inside Ship’

Posted on: 30 September 2020

The Loss Prevention team at the UK P&I Club has launched ‘Inside Ship’, a new series of training animated videos promoting risk awareness and encouraging risk management practices on board. The videos add to the UK Club’s Loss Prevention training resources and will complement other training videos, such as the Lessons Learnt series.

The Inside Ship series will provide videos on potential risks, with the aim of avoiding them, and is based on risk assessors’ real world experience carrying out risk assessments on board Member vessels. Each video highlights a critical risk area found on board and suggests mitigation techniques for preventing the risks becoming a claim.

The first video in the ‘Inside Ship’ series will focus on the importance of taking proper samples during bunker operations. The UK Club continues to see bunker quality claims arising from delivery of off-specification bunkers. In many of these cases, fuel-sampling procedures on board at the time of delivery have been inadequate and unreliable. This complicates the claims handling process.

Stuart Edmonston, Loss Prevention Director at UK P&I Club said: “Every year the UK Club handles thousands of claims. The insight gained from this has enabled us to develop an in-house risk assessment programme, focussed on threats that we know from experience cause claims. We invite our Members to commission our experienced team of risk assessors, all ex-Masters or Chief Engineers, to conduct risk assessments on board their entered ships.

“The sole aim is to assist in identifying and mitigating threats based on the vessel and fleet claims history. The assessments show how major hazards could occur on the vessel and suggestions on safeguards to prevent them.”

UK P&I Club operates a full-time, worldwide Loss Prevention team, servicing its Members and wider maritime industry through proactive and inclusive loss prevention support. The team provides technical and operational advice as well as participating in crew seminars and training days.

More information on the Inside Ship series as well as the first video can be found here.

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