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UK P&I Club announces series of live training webinars for mariners

Posted on: 18 March 2020

UK P&I Club, part of Thomas Miller, will host a series of live training webinars aimed at both members and the wider maritime industry, with the first webinar, addressing the practical and legal issues of bunker fuel quality, taking place on Thursday 2 April at 9am BST (4pm Singapore).

The webinars are designed to keep marine professionals up to date with training requirements, and informed on evolving industry issues, in an environment where many events and meetings have been postponed or cancelled.

Moderated by Anuj Velankar, Senior Loss Prevention Advisor, UK P&I Club and featuring Ansuman Ghosh, Risk Assessor, UK P&I Club and Kendall Tan, Partner, Rajah & Tann, the first webinar will discuss the various practical aspects of bunker quality and management issues.

Within the hour-long timeframe, the expert panel will tackle a wide range of issues, including the fuel testing, concerns over fuel quality and bunker sampling practices, as well as related contractual and claims positions. An interactive audience Q&A will then follow.

Stuart Edmonston, Loss Prevention Director at UK P&I Club, says: “Our sector, like many others, is currently facing some very challenging circumstances, and as a Club we are always trying to embrace and develop new methods of reaching Members and the broader maritime community. These webinars provide unique opportunities to hear from experts in their fields, deepen collaborative knowledge around the burning topics in our industry, and stimulate debate and innovation.”

Register for the first UK P&I Club webinar on fuel quality on Thursday 2 April 9am (BST).

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