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UK P&I Club issues Risk Awareness Guide on Pollution Claims

Posted on: 25 June 2020

The Loss Prevention team at UK P&I Club has issued a new Risk Awareness guide focusing on pollution claims, which highlights the controls, methods and procedures necessary to avoid or minimise them.

The Pollution Claims guide pinpoints some of the most significant threats leading to potential pollution-related claims including bunkering, cargo loading/discharge, bilge and slop, ballast water, garbage/sewage disposal, funnel emissions, hull/equipment failures and hose or pipeline failure.

Each threat is followed by a ‘score’ section where the individual controls can be graded on effectiveness. Once scores have been attributed to these threats, controls such as damage limitation and emergency procedures, as well as the adequacy of emergency equipment and record keeping checklists are provided to mitigate claims. The guide aims to provide ‘controls’ to ensure ‘threats’ are contained and ‘incidents’ do not happen.

The latest guide is part of a series of guides being released over the course of 2020 covering a range of vessel types, including tankers, bulk carriers, containerships and passenger vessels.

The series of guides provide the ‘controls’ and key points the UK Club’s Risk Assessors look for when inspecting a vessel and allows all Members to carry out similar checks on the ‘threats’ and ‘controls’ to make sure all vessels have a good risk profile. Each guide in the Risk Assessment series deals with an area of risk, whether it is personal injury, collision, pollution and each area is sub-divided into ‘threats’, ‘consequences’ and ‘controls’.

UK P&I Club’s loss prevention team services its Members and wider maritime industry through proactive and inclusive loss prevention support, providing technical and operational advice as well as participating in crew seminars and training days.

Download the Pollution Claims Risk Assessment guide here.

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