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UK P&I Club partners with Psychology Applied to provide Learning from Normal Work training

Collaboration with the award-winning industrial psychologist Dr. Marcin Nazaruk will enable members to learn and use practical, proactive learning techniques to reduce risk and incidents

Posted on: 6 August 2024

UK P&I Club has announced a new partnership with the proactive learning expert Dr. Marcin Nazaruk. As part of a new training programme, supported by the Club, Dr Nazaruk will introduce Members to the approach, skills, and tools required to incorporate the Learning from Normal Work methodology into their daily practices, to improve incident prevention.

Learning from Normal Work is a practical research-based methodology that challenges traditional approaches to safety and risk management. Rather than focusing exclusively on identifying potential hazards or improving through accident investigations, Learning From Normal Work helps companies identify the sources of operational inefficiencies and the causes of accidents before they happen.

The sessions and additional training packs will combine modern industrial psychology and tested industry practices to support proactively identifying and addressing error traps before they result in an incident, with a view to improving organisations operational safety and efficiency.

The sessions will provide guidance on:

  • How to prevent human error
  • Why people don’t follow the rules and use workarounds, what makes compliance difficult and how to proactively identify where and how non-compliance can happen
  • How to use the gap between plan and reality to find the next wave of improvements
  • How performance variability affects risk
  • How to ask questions to open people up and hear stories about operational dilemmas
  • Practical tools such as Walk Through – Talk Through or Learning Teams

Stuart Edmonston, Director Safety & Risk Management at UK P&I Club, said: “Ship owners and operators are facing an increasingly risk-intensive operating environment as they navigate market changes. As part of the UK P&I Club’s Safety & Risk Management division, we understand the need to look outside of our industry to make sure we keep in step with the best practices in safety and risk assessment. Our collaboration with Dr. Marcin Nazaruk provides our Members with access to the latest innovations in practical psychology, to ensure that their approach to loss prevention adapts to meet the modern demands of our industry.”

Dr. Marcin Nazaruk, Founder of Psychology Applied, said: “I’m delighted to be partnering with the UK P&I Club to make Learning from Normal Work available to the maritime industry and help its Members to sharpen their loss prevention techniques. This approach will take Members on a journey to re-examine everyday activities and develop a practical framework that will proactively identify precursors to future accidents, quality defects, and operational issues before they happen. By doing so, we can empower ship owners and operators to take tangible steps to improve the safety and efficiency of operations onboard vessels.”

For more information regarding the UK P&I Club’s partnership with Dr Nazaruk, please follow this link.

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