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United States Maritime Administration selects ABS to support a US Center for Maritime Innovation

Five-year cooperative agreement to support US maritime innovation and technology

Posted on: 9 October 2024

The United States Maritime Administration’s (MARAD) Office of Environment and Innovation has selected ABS to establish and maintain the U.S. Center for Maritime Innovation (Center) under a five-year cooperative agreement.

Authorized by the U.S. Congress, the Center is intended to support the adoption of clean energy on U.S. vessels through a wide-ranging program of research and development and training support.

ABS Chairman and CEO Christopher Wiernicki said: “This will be an important national resource to enable the U.S. maritime industry to respond to the rapid pace of change driven by decarbonization and digitalization. ABS is proud to have been selected to work with MARAD in launching and operating the Center, which will research, develop, assess, demonstrate, and deploy emerging maritime technologies and practices, especially those related to emerging environmental challenges faced by the marine transportation system.

“ABS is well-positioned to serve in this role because we bring to the Center our experience as the U.S.-based marine classification, standards/certification, and research organization as well as the industry leading coalition of research partner organizations and relationships that we bring to the Center,” he added.

The Center will:

  • Facilitate development of infrastructure to support the deployment of clean energy;
  • Identify research gaps in emerging marine technologies specific to U.S. maritime industry;
  • Conduct research, development, testing, and evaluation of equipment and provide guidance on best available marine technologies;
  • Assess and monitor U.S. knowledge of emerging marine technologies;
  • Assist with understanding complex regulatory requirements, and document best practices in the maritime industry;
  • Work with academic and private sector training entities to develop strategies for the U.S. maritime industry, including the inland, deep water, and coastal fleets.

Over the next six months, ABS and MARAD will work together to stand up the Center along with its working groups and functions while establishing research priorities and associated projects. These activities will include a broad range of engagement opportunities with maritime industry stakeholders.

A statement from MARAD is available here.

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