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WFW partner David Osborne authors definitive text on shipping finance law

Posted on: 24 October 2016

Watson Farley & Williams’ (“WFW”) London office hosted the launch party for Maritime partner David Osborne’s book The Law of Ship Mortgages last Thursday (21st October). Regarded as the maritime industry’s definitive text on English ship finance law, the launch of the second edition of The Law of Ship Mortgages attracted clients, barristers, current and former WFW colleagues, family and friends and other maritime industry participants.

9781138781498Published in mid-October, The Law of Ship Mortgages was co-authored by retired maritime lawyer Graeme Bowtle and WFW litigation partner Charles Buss, bringing together a huge amount of collective expertise and experience in the ship finance sector. The practical, commercially-focused guide covers a number of developing areas of ship finance law, such as mortgagees’ duties, liability to charterers, conflict of laws, work-outs and cross border insolvency. It also provides in-depth analysis of noteworthy cases relevant to the industry in recent years.

The fact that a WFW partner has authored the sector’s most important text on the subject further underlines the firm’s status as the leading law firm for shipping finance worldwide.

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